Singing Bowl Massage


Sound appeals to the original trust in man. As a result, a deep relaxation is quickly achieved. This relaxation enables many people to RELEASE mental and physical strain, relieves tension and blockages. This leads to a reorganization that allows the body to experience harmony and well-being. In the deep relaxation a new positive and clear body awareness is experienced, caused by the gentle sound massage.

During the singing bowl massage bowls of different sizes and weights are placed on or near the body and gently struck. In the context of occupational therapy the singing bowl massage is used due to its vibratory and lymph drainage effect. In addition, the massage can positively affect the tone and sensitivity and lead to an improved body awareness.

"The tone of the singing bowl makes the soul vibrate. The sound releases tension, mobilizes the self-healing powers and sets creative energies free". (Peter Hess)

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